
Is the product considered luxury? A bargain? What features make it stand out? Do we need to educate people about what the product is or does? Product marketing specialists are responsible for answering those questions and plotting a course to execute. This is where I come in and use my skillset to contribute to a great team with a great product(s).


A brand cannot establish itself within the marketplace without letting people see how it presents itself to them through marketing and their strategy behind it.

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Green Planet

Trade Show Booth

The team wanted a versatile booth design on a budget that could be easily reconfigured to a variety of show footprints on the fly.

Contribution: Design

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Trendsettah Inc.

Trade Show Booth

Collaborated with a major production company to create a booth that could draw attention in multiple ways while also being scalable.

Contribution: Art Direction, Co-Design


Packaging Design


Product Catalogs